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What is Gerrymandering ? (non-political explanation)

What is Gerrymandering ? (non-political explanation)

Gerrymandering is a term used to describe how a political voting district gets dived up in an unconventional way.

This unusual and awkward district border is created in order to gather more votes for one political party or another.

By ""gerrymandering"" a district it means that the same population of a district is sliced and diced to create a different voting outcome.

What is Consciousness: Consciousness vs. Awareness

What is Consciousness: Consciousness vs. Awareness

Self-Awareness is a measurement of consciousness.

The difference between the meaning of Awareness and the meaning of Consciousness are debated but in most contexts, both terms refer to the same thing…, a state of being.

To be conscious is to think and act; to be self-aware is the level in which you realize that you are thinking and acting and the ability to analyze those thoughts and actions.

Tips On How To See The Bigger Picture in Life

Tips On How To See The Bigger Picture in Life

When I'm trying to get a good view, usually it involves a long hike up a mountain in order to get to a higher perspective where then suddenly I can see for miles.

Seeing the 'bigger picture' in life is no different.

Sometime you need to put in a little effort, in order to change your perspective, so that you can see things more clearly from a distance.